Wednesday, July 26, 2006

But what to tell the Turks?

Turkey's Impatience With the Kurds - Newsweek: International Editions -
"But what to tell the Turks, who over the last week lost 15 soldiers to terror attacks launched by sepa-ratist Kurds from neighboring Iraq? Many Turkish leaders are pressing for cross-border tactical air assaults on the guerrillas. "


post tot discrimina rerum said...

I guess this sort of thing is why I don't really buy the idea that the US is OK with dividing Iraq into three countries or even planned for that to happen. The northern part of Iraq would be a Kurdish republic. Yeah, that destabalizes Iran, which the US is all for, but it also creates instability in the oil-rich north and, as this article points out, within the borders of our good friend Turkey. Yep, folks, its just hubris and incompetence.

post festum said...

Exactly. A divided Iraq means instability not only in the north, but in the middle and south as well -- Any proto-Sunni state drawn up along geographical lines would be in constant conflict with both of its neighbors with the region's oil reserves. Just pure fucking hubris.