Tuesday, March 13, 2007

America: The State of the Nation - OhmyNews International

Find any news of these points?

America: The State of the Nation - OhmyNews International:

1. "it has been announced that Pelosi and her Senate counterpart, Harry Reid, will make a bipartisan display of unity in support of Israel, by appearing alongside Dick Cheney at the March meeting of the ultra-reactionary American Israel Public Affairs Committee. AIPAC has dominated American foreign policy for decades, strengthened since 2000 by the Project for a New American Century, the Bush shadow cabinet, which drew up the blueprints for American empire and the conquest of Iraq and Iran."

2. The European Union increased its abhorrence of the CIA kidnapping of innocent people on the streets of European cities, and their rendition to nations prepared to torture them in exchange for U.S. largesse. Both Italy and Germany have begun prosecutions on these illegal practices.


post tot discrimina rerum said...

Today's WaPo mentions the potential prosecutions of CIA agents in Italy and Germany:

post tot discrimina rerum said...
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