Monday, April 09, 2007

Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips: A Report on 2035 from Britain's Minister of Defense

Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future | Science | Guardian Unlimited:

Take a look at the whole thing, but here's one prediction their making:

"'The middle classes could become a revolutionary class, taking the role envisaged for the proletariat by Marx,' says the report. The thesis is based on a growing gap between the middle classes and the super-rich on one hand and an urban under-class threatening social order: 'The world's middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest'. Marxism could also be revived, it says, because of global inequality. An increased trend towards moral relativism and pragmatic values will encourage people to seek the 'sanctuary provided by more rigid belief systems, including religious orthodoxy and doctrinaire political ideologies, such as popularism and Marxism'."


1 comment:

post tot discrimina rerum said...

Seriously, why can't people just be content with their Victory Gin and shitty cigarettes? I'm glad that anyone who questions the current state of affairs must be appealing to some dogmatic position.

You know, popularism: the belief in the popular. For example, "Your obsession with Britney Spears is the worst form of popularism." ?!?!?