Friday, January 06, 2006

Bush at a speech (or something like one) today:

"In other words, what's interesting about the community college experience is that if you're living in an area where there's a need for health care workers, and you got a chancellor of the community college system that is any good, that person will devise a program with the local health care providers that will help train nurses, or whatever is needed. I mean the health care -- the community college system is a fabulous job training opportunity for the American people. It's a place to find -- to match people's desire to work with the jobs that actually exist."

Ah, perfect reconciliation between what we want and need and have and get.

1 comment:

post tot discrimina rerum said...

Indeed. So long as you mold yourself into whatever the economy needs at the time, you'll be fine. In 2 years when that particular field is glutted, you can just take another CC course. What do all those Computer Science majors do now?