Thursday, August 31, 2006

Bush, relating you to the Other

Bush Shifting Public Focus to Terrorism and Iraq War - New York Times:

"We face an enemy that has an ideology," Mr. Bush continued. "They believe things. The best way to describe their ideology is to relate to you the fact that they think the opposite of the way we think.?"


post tot discrimina rerum said...

This is just brilliant. It encapsulates so much in so few words. Seriously, this has got to be at the top of the list of infamous Bush phrases.

post festum said...

I agree...But, wait, doesn't that mean that the Terrorists disagree?

If "they think the opposite of the way we think" then they must think that we think the same as they do, right? After all, they think the opposite, right?

post tot discrimina rerum said...

Ah. Fun with paradoxes. So, as you point out they must think that we and they think the same way, which means they must also think that we and they think in opposite ways. Well, I suppose the way out of this is to move to a meta-language in which we can talk about the set of all terrorists and they set designated 'we.' But we (which I guess must include Bush) as speakers of the meta-language do not count as the 'we' in the first-order language. Yay. That's my next paper, "Russell's Paradoxes and the 'War on Terror.'"