Friday, December 23, 2005

Oakland Tribune - Op-Ed:

"In America today, Big Brother is watching.

He's watching because President Bush told him to. Shortly after 9/11, Bush secretly authorized warrantless wiretaps on U.S. citizens making or receiving international calls and e-mails.

When it comes to fighting terror, Bush is totalitarian ? remember, you're either with us or against us. Trust me to get it right, he says. Debate on the law is not only not needed, it's evil."


We think it's time for Congress to heed the warning of George Orwell.

To that end, we're asking for your help: Mail us or drop off your tattered copies of "1984." When we get 537 of them, we'll send them to every member of the House of Representatives and Senate and to President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

"Feel free to inscribe the book with a note, reminding these fine people that we Americans take the threat to our liberties seriously. Remind Congress that it makes no sense to fight a war for democracy in a foreign land while allowing our democratic principles to erode at home."


"Bring or mail your books to the Oakland Tribune, 401 13th St., Oakland CA 94612. Doors are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m."

I've decided to make it required reading for my epistemology/conspiracy theory seminar. I know you've both taught it before -- any helpful sources or links?


post tot discrimina rerum said...

If you don't have them buy the newest, most expensive version of the book, with the Pynchon preface, I would, at the very least, assign that as well. Here's a link to it:
Pynchon's Preface to 1984

post tot discrimina rerum said...

I also think that Chomsky's propaganda model links this with reality nicely.
Chomsky and Hermann, "A Propaganda Model."
But, then the info has to updated with info on the media from other sites. I also use
The Persuaders