Saturday, February 25, 2006

Leo Lowenthal, (Frankfurt School) from An Unmastered Past, p. 87-8, speaking about his experience with Voice of America and McCarthyism, and why he was never called in front of the House Unamerican Activities Committee:

"I can only tell you the following story, which I learned from the executive director of Voice of America. I simply said to him, 'Ask around why I haven't been called to testify.' So he asked one of those unpaid assistants of McCarthy's, the well known William F. Buckley, a very rich, archreactionary journalist belonging to the farthest right wing of American journalism. And he said to the director, 'Yeah, that Lowenthal. We had him at the top of our list, we looked into every corner of his past, but we couldn't find anything on him.' I was aghast, of course, and said to my informant, 'Do me a favor and go back and tell them that I'll help them find something!' But nothing happened."

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