Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bush visited the Rochester area today for the second time in a year. Here are a few choice things he had to say.

On the real importance of the teaching profession -- it instills in the populace the requisite discipline to tolerate pseudo-folksy aristocratic bullies such as himself as their leaders.
"For all the teachers who are here and are paying attention to this, thanks for being a teacher. It's a noble profession. It's an important -- (applause.) It's really important. And speaking about teachers, I married one. (Laughter.) She sends her love. Laura W. Bush is a unique woman who is obviously a patient woman. (Laughter.) "
Second, a basic lesson in BOTH arithmetic and US civics
"I want to thank Antonia Novello. Dr. Novello, where are you? She's here -- oh, there you are. Good to see you. Appreciate you coming. (Applause.) She's the Commissioner of Health for the state of New York. I'm honored you're here. (Applause.) I'll tell old 41 I saw you. That's the number for my dad -- see, he's the 41st President, I'm the 43rd President, so -- I'll tell him I saw you."
Third, on how bullies with wealth and giant chips on their intellectual shoulders can best put underlings in their place -- do it in public and do it several times.

"I called upon a fellow named Dr. Mark McClellan to join me in this effort. He's here. That's him right there. He is a -- (applause.) He's a PhD, see -- I'm a C student. (Laughter.) Look who's the President and who's the advisor. (Laughter and applause.)"

DR. McCLELLAN: That's right. In fact, I was just talking with Diane about this beforehand. Diane is a pharmacist. You're going to hear from her in a minute.

THE PRESIDENT: No, I'm the emcee. (Laughter.) You're the explainer. (Laughter.) You know how these PhDs are, you know, they kind of -- (laughter.)

And finally, I thought I read somewhere something about Bush suggesting that seniors eat some cake or something, but I guess the White House has scrubbed all record of it.

1 comment:

post tot discrimina rerum said...

Why does my laughter come at a different point than the words indicate it is supposed to? It apparently comes at totally the wrong time or only after the real laughter laughs at something that I find either frightening or stupid. Well, that's an almost PhD for you. [laughter].

Is the english word 'laughter' really spelled 'l-a-u-g-h-t-e-r', like 's-l-a-u-g-h-t-e-r'? [laughter]

Where the F--- does the 'eff' sound come from?